Saturday, October 30, 2010


The sophomore class lines up to get ready to play their first game at the annual mudbowl during homecoming week.

sophomore, Joy McFadden, tackles junior, Meghan Reiter, to the ground.

Senior, Rob VanDyke, was the head referee for all the games.

Sophmores, Emily Kokotan, Sarah Deroos, and Kaci Ray all laugh as Kokotan describes the last play.

Sophomore, Jake Oswald, asks the referees to explain a call they just made against the sophomore team.

Two footprints left in the mud after the games had ended and the senior class took home a victory.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Jessical Rowland- W.A.R

A Day in the Life

Three Boys Under Five

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Day in the Life: Three Boys under Five

Anna Standfest plays game "Sequence" with her middle son Jacob Standfest, 3 while older son, Andrew is at school and younger son, Owen takes a nap.

Jacob plays with his moms hands as she holds him on there outdoor swing at there home in Rockford.

Anna refers to Jacob as a "crazy man". She says that he loves to get into everything, climb everything and jump off everything. "He's my adventurous one, but sometimes it gets him into trouble," Anna said.

"I feel so like such a busy mom, but in reality, we just play together and laugh a lot," Anna said.

"Jacob and I get to hang out and play games together while Andrew is at school and Owen is taking a nap," Standfest says, "we have so much fun together, he is such a sweet boy." Standfest mother of three boys close in age, says she feels like Jill Taylor from the TV show "Tool Time".

Anna Standfest of Rockford, smiles as middle child Jacob Standfest, 3 shows her he loves his mom by giving her a kiss. As a stay at home mother of three boys all under age five, Standfest stays busy.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Alysia, Laura, and Brian browse the painted glass art on September 29, 2010 at the Art Prize in Grand Rapids, Mi.
Sunday night, Cornerstone Student Freshman, Dayna Diebold, takes a look at the art on the wall in the B.O.B Club in Grand Rapids, MI.

Joey Burdges is so amazed by the textures of the art hanging on the wall at ArtPrize on Sunday September 17, 2010
Not all art is displayed with names but art and be made up art as we walk through the streets.
Lost and Found is a place where people throughout grand rapids and display an item they have found or lost in the grand rapids area.

This pictures represents that there are poor and rich people in all cities. Many of the rich people don't know how blessed they are until they see how others are living as well right in their own town.

Art Prize


Artist Amanda clark used latex paint and etching on brass to complete her work entitled Pondering.

SteamPig Experiment is a large group of artists that designed and produced an enormous pig. Michael Knoll ,pictured, painted the pig.

Artist Henry Birdseye used 13,000 lego pieces to complete this portrait of a lady. The piece is called Red.

An enormous coloring book is located in the Bob. Artist Alan Close put out the coloring book to let the people of Grand Rapids be the artist.