Thursday, September 30, 2010


They might have had fun getting dirty but now come the best part, trying to get the mud out of their hair.
Thes two Freshman girls are loving the first Cornerstone Mudbowl experience.
This little girl enjoyed her self at Mudbowl. She might not have been old enough to participate but she made her own fun.
Mudbowl Has been going on for sixteen years. This year was one of the best for weather.
Keith Blair, Referies the mudbowl game. He said " I wish that was me out there playing."

This Freshman Girl trenches through the ruff mud. It was all worth it to help there teammates qualify to the next round.


  1. great coloring! be careful on the first image that when you are doing angle pictures not to make it look like the people are falling off.

  2. very cute moment in the 2nd photo!
    good colors though out :)

  3. I love the moment of the second shot - its a great capture. The color is great as well.
    I see that the sizing is a bit off, but that is something easily fixed. :)

  4. I really love the color in your photos!
    I like the picture with the two girls covered in mud. Good job capturing the feel and essence of the event.

    On the photo with the little girl touching the mud, I think it would be a little more balance if you had gotten more of the mom and daughter in the shot. They are cut out a little too much.

  5. A lot of good moments! I love the one with the little girl!
